Consultation and Collaboration for Individual Clients

Where a client has given JMS Allied Services and other agencies consent to communicate about their needs JMS will seek to implement consultation sessions with all agencies working with the client. We are better able to provide individualised intervention strategies if we have a complete understanding of all factors that contribute to the clients’ behaviours of concern. The knowledge gained from the inter-agency collaboration ensures the clients supports are delivered consistently across all settings.

Organisational Supervision and Consultation

JMS Allied Services believe strongly in peer supervision and consultation with other professional and therapeutic support organisations / individuals. JMS are happy to host peer supervision and consultation sessions for all agencies as it provides:

  • A broader, more in depth understanding of NDIS participant needs.
  • Clinical supervision for all parties (mandatory for NDIS registered providers).
  • A better understanding of what other support service provide, and importantly, what they do not provide. This knowledge assists in streamlining the referral process for all parties.

Let’s Talk!

Fill out this form and one of our friendly staff will contact you shortly.


Referral for Behaviour Support

Please complete the information on the following link for behaviour support referral. Our friendly team will be in contact once submitted.

Click Here to begin

Consent Form

Please use the following link to complete your consent form. Contact our team if you have any questions.

Click Here to begin

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